More Info | Professional Photography

Professional Photography
We welcome both professional and amateur photographers.
Busy Barns Adventure Farm offers breathtaking views of our sunflower and pumpkin fields. Whether you are taking photos for engagements, weddings, family photos, graduations, anniversaries, birthdays, senior pictures, etc., the farm offers numerous beautiful and scenic spots to capture those treasured moments.
We do require a site fee for professional photographers or those charging a fee for their services.
Site Fees
1/2 Hour - $25
1 Hour - $50
All Day - $150
Fees may be paid by cash or charge.
Site times and fees must be pre-arranged.
Photo shoots are during normal business hours only, unless you have scheduled a private time with us.
Photographers and all their clients are required to pay our daily admission fee upon entrance to the farm and sunflower/pumpkin fields during our season.
Photographers are allowed to bring in their cameras, lenses and camera bag only.
We do not allow any ladders or stools in the sunflower/pumpkin fields for the safety of our guests.
Please do not obstruct, block or close off any of the pathways in the sunflower/pumpkin fields for the safety of our guests.
Please respect others who are also enjoying the beauty of the sunflower/pumpkin fields.