More Info | Rules, Policies & Guidelines
No Smoking or Vaping
Busy Barns Farm is a smoke free and vapor free environment. We have a designated smoking area in our parking lot.
Food & Drinks
Weekends - No Carry-in Food & Drinks
Have lunch or a tasty treat on your visit to Busy Barns Farm. Food and beverages are available for purchase at our food truck. Picnic tables are available for you to enjoy your lunch.
Weekdays - Carry-in Food & Drinks Allowed
Busy Barns Farm does not have food or beverages available on field trip days during the week. We ask that your group bring their own lunches and drinks for your field trip.
No Pets
Busy Barns Farm does not allow pets due to safety and health issues with our animals and our guests.
Service Dogs
Busy Barns Farm does allow trained leashed and properly restrained service dogs. Please let our staff know when entering at admissions that you have a service dog. Paperwork needs to be provided upon entrance.
Landscaping & Property
We ask that you please respect Busy Barns Farms property. Please help us keep the property clean and beautiful for everyone to enjoy by placing all trash in the provided trash and recycling receptacles. Please do not pick the flowers or walk through the landscaping around the buildings and grounds. Please do not go into areas that are not play areas.
Animal Care
Please be kind to the animals. Busy Barns Farm animals love affection from our guests, but please do not hit, throw or tease the animals.
Animal Feeding
Busy Barns Farm has animal feed for purchase if you would like to feed the animals. We ask that you do not feed them any outside food as it may make them sick or could even cause death. Our animals have their own feeding program here at the farm.
Please use a flat hand when feeding the animals. We ask that you use the spoons provided on the fence to feed the pigs, horses, donkeys and alpaca. Please be aware that all animals may bite.
Hand Washing Stations
Busy Barns Farms provides hand washing stations around the farm. Please wash your hands after visiting the animals. Proper hygiene is important as we do not want to spread germs that may harm our animals or our guests.
Safety Information
Helpful Information for a Fun and Safe Visit to the Farm
We ask that all of our visitors please review the following USDA licensing and Wisconsin liability warnings that apply to all visitors at Busy Barns Adventure Farm and The Gathering Barn at Busy Barns Adventure Farm.
We care about our animals' health, safety and quality of life. As required by the United States Department of Agriculture, Marketing and Regulatory Programs, Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service for Animal Care, under the Animal Welfare Act - Busy Barns Adventure Farm is a licensed and inspected facility.
WARNING: Under Wisconsin law, there is no liability for an injury to or death of a participant in an agritourism activity conducted at this agritourism location or by this agritourism professional if such injury or death results from the inherent risks of the agritourism activity. Inherent risks of Agritourism activities include among others, risks of injury inherent to lands, equipment, and animals, as well as the potential for you to act in a negligent manner that may contribute to your injury or death. You are assuming the risk of participating in this agritourism activity.
Warning: Explore and play at your own risk. We require Adult Supervision at all times Busy Barns Adventure Farm is not responsible for any injuries.
Warning: Under Wisconsin law, an equine professional is not liable for an injury to or the death of a participant in equine activities resulting from the inherent risks of equine activities.
Media Conscent
We love our guests and capturing their precious moments here at the farm. Busy Barns Adventure Farm may use photography and/or video recordings of our visitors for educational or promotional purposes. All guests entering Busy Barns Adventure Farm grounds grant permission to Busy Barns Adventure Farm and The Gathering Barn at Busy Barns Adventure Farm to use his/her images and video recordings for any purpose without payment or their permission.